Family NLP counseling : MIL (Mother in Law )a friend or an enemy of DIL(Daughter In Law)?

MIL (mother In Law)  and  DIL ( Daughter In law) Syndrome

This question has been bothering me for years together but  NLP (neuro linguistic psychology) gave me an answer. During my family counselling journey of the past 10 years,I have travel led with many MILs  and many DIL s. I have seen hundreds of MILs loving DILs and hundreds of DILs loving MILs. The reverse  is also true. In my close study of MIL-DIL relationship, I have not seen any absolute lovers nor any absolute haters.(100% haters  nor 100% lovers).All  MILs has got one common characteristics they are self centered, they focus on themselves. and they make themselves the center of the topic.They are the heroin of the script. Even though they are old they still like to play the lead role  in the family movie 

After my research into MIL-DIL relationship,borrowing the Knowledge of NLP , I can classify the MILs into  into three Types 1)RULE Type 2)FEEL Type 3) KOOL Type.

1) Rule Type Mother in Law is absolutely rule based, conditional,and traditional. She wants the same past to continue without any deviations.2) Feel type Mother In Law is emotional, feels for others,and empathetic for others in the process she draws a lot of attention of the family, making herself as the Center of emotions in the family. 3)KOOL Type Mother In Law look for lot of appreciation,Artistic and coolly looks for a different issue to be tackled.every time in the family.
