Around 30% of family counseling cases at our clinic,we haves observed there is an unknown triangular game played by he family members involved a triangular relationship. Mostly the members are Mother, Son and Daughter in law,.In such cases ,the family synergy is always found to be the first 5 years of marriage.According to research carried out at our clinic. studies pointed out three distinct roles ,"I' ,"WE" &"They" over played by the three members. of the family
A Son, who is enjoying mother centered relationship , He carefully plans and does not enter into any commitment with his wife. He also play safe under the Mothers umbrella and family tradition, ensuring that his wife is not leaving him.
He plays the "I "game telling." I have been always like this for the last 25 years. I have not changed a bit U can ask My Mum" i will always be like this."
A daughter in law (DIL) dawns a new role of "WE" where she feels she has has inherited a whole family, She has a feeling my husband is mine but under the care of his family. members, He is available for In laws, friend and and all family members .. She assumes a pseudo power of Husbands love, and works under the assumption "My Husband will come tome me one day" . the day she realizes her husband does not reciprocate the same feeling and suspects that . Husband is playing a solo not a duet. her hopes gets shattered
A mother who has enjoyed a son centered relationship, is over possessive of her son .She is scared of psychologically losing him to another lady .DIL) She has been forced to play multiple roles before and during marriage, This can be perceived from the girls side as "My father being over squeezed for dowry,,lack of respect for my parents style of working" I n order to protect the multiple roles the
mother in law (MIL) plays the game of "They" this game starts a simple word as
"they did not agree.......... to Your husband ..."
In this triangular strained relationship. it is found mostly the husband does not want to break the comfort zone. he wants to play safe, creating tension for both the ladies. In this triangular game The Pseudo winner of the game is the male if this is not realized by the women this will ruin the whole relationship foundation In such situation our records show the DILs has saved the MIL and and the whole family by taking professional helpSuch case are treated through psychotherapy like EFT,NLP, Silva mind. TLT(Time line therapy)
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