Four Phases of married Life

According to the research carried out at our clinic with over 300 couples. The problems the couples undergo during their troubled relationship period  can be classified into four phases
1 Marriage Apprenticeship phase (MAP) 2 Marriage  probationary phase (MPP) 3 Marriage Employee phase (MEP) 4 Marriage  ownership Phase  (MOP)

1 MAP      (Marriage Apprenticeship phase)

MAP Marriage Apprentice /crazy hormones 
 Any qualified person with a technical skill  can enter an organisaton as an apprentice. In other word he is a temporary employee of the organisation .Similarly the couples get attracted to each other because they are qualified with "sex hormones " playing crazy with them.. The couple experience more a body relationship.Each person wants to have his major share of his hormone reals e. This  period is more used for exploring the surface of each other.They are  couples only for physical relationship.As an apprentice is blind about his future in the organisation. Similarly the couples are blind about their future in an institution called "Marriage"They are blind beyond a point. The couples are temporary employees working together for a salary called " hormone pleasure'. They may have enjoyed sex like any other animal. They might have begeted children, but still they are island by themselves looking and working with selfish motives s their end Their only motto is take the maximum for other partner
MPP /if  u cant why should I ?

(MPP) Marriage Probationary Phase 

  The couples live beyond their sexual chemistry . They take responsibility,sharing and  caring  for each other.They always expect the other person to do the same. when the other partner doesn't reciprocate  they withdraw. The relationship becomes purely transactional. An employee during probation period has enough time to decide to become a part of the organisation culture or not. The focus of the couple is give and take

MEP/The more i give ,the more i get 
3. MEP (Marriage Employee phase)
During this period an employee gets an organisation identity where he is declared as a permanent employee of the organisation. His actives become more lovely. He also  gets a status in the society.He start giving more for the organisation to prove himself. Similarly the couple start giving more and more for each other, without  any condition..

4  MOP(Marriage Ownership phase) loving . giving and sharing becomes purely a primary nature of the couples. This period is highly unconditional without looking for any external  reward. They have mastered all the above phases of transition. They look for inner satisfaction
