Marriage Advice Long -Gap between Engagement and Marraige

Mr N and Miss S was engaged in the month if January, the dates got postponed because of one accident and one death in the family and the marriage was planned in November. A very long gap was planed because the girl was pursuing her doctorate. in different city.
Miss S was brought to me for (TTLT)"they think like that" syndrome. She was very much scared of her future marriage and future relationship with in laws. The last 8 months both boy and girl use to talk over phone daily in the night, the girl has imagined many scary things about in laws.
Mis s gave the following two incidents from her life. MY prospective mother in law is selfish”,one day we went for purchasing a new sari for me. i wanted sit beside my would be. My would be sister was asked to occupy the seat. i felt my Mother in law is selfish and possessive about her son. Son is also self centered.” I was asked to purchase a marriage sari below Rs 6000/- only. “why she is doing like that. Therefore she is kanjoz’
Miss S self esteem was very low. She was put under EQ (Emotional intelligence) test The EQ test focuses on four dimensions, 1.Self regard, 2 Regard for others 3Self awareness 4Awareness about others, as per the test the higher is the score moving towards sadness. The lesser is the score, one ia moving towards happiness. The score of the client is high in self regard.
I asked her “What are the characteristics of high self regard person ? she replied,1 Regularly think negative about self.,2 she think she is ugly,3 I am not intelligent,4 I am unlucky ,5 Every body dominates me 6 All are against me, 7 People take undue advantage of me. 8 Most people dislike me,9 I do not how to behave. 10 I am cheated by many people.
The reason for all the self esteem can be attributed to the long gap between promise and practice, i.e, Engagement and marriage, Both the party’s will imagine to fill in the explanation for themselves. as they are living in separate places
The client was taught EFT tapping techniques “Event though I am average in beauty,I am responsible for it, I completely and deeply accept it. This was reduced from 10 to 2 on 5 cycles of tapping.
The client asked me how is I am responsible. for it ? I asked her who told you are average in beauty. Many people told me. Suppose many people tel you are uneducated will u accept it “ no I will not. Suppose people say you are male will you accept it? “I will not” why u accept certain things and refuse certain things ? I fell like doing it . who is responsible for such things” I am responsible for it” you got the answer why you are responsible”.
Yes, the word you use create a hormones in the body.. if use negative words this creates negative hormone if you use positive words. Your body creates positive hormones., When you say I am responsible , you are forgiving yourself.

Assignment for the week is to write down 19 incidents of TTLT syndrome and neutralize the effect using EFT techniques
