NLP Counseling advice:Words steals or seals the stress in human being

The client at last said "I have neutralized 16 sixteen negative incidents, this incidents were as old as 2 years,I was feeling very, very bad about it".

According to NLP ( Neuro linguistic Programming) counselling school of psychology. We always express ourselves through two languages 1) Head language 2 ) Heart language.When the client was asked to identify what language she has express her stress, she gave the following examples.

Head language :Bad, same thoughts, Heart language :Sad, mood off. when i asked her to identify some more words, she could not identify words.that showed her emotional vocabulary ( words which express her emotions are very few.)

The client is not able to express in terms of emotional word. In other words. The clients emotional vocabulary is less. The more and more the client has emotional vocabulary. The more and more the client can release the stress. The other person can understand the depth of emotion experienced by the client. One can also easily o do the emotional diagnosis.When she was assisted with some more explanation that the words she uses either seals the stress or steals the stress, She expressed some more emotional words from her vocabulary ?

1 Pain 2 Feel 3 Sad, 4 Sorrow,5 Tears 6 Anger 7 Irritation 8 frustration 9 harassment 10Happiness, 11 fear 12 hatred 13 love 14 depressed 15 pity 16 joy

If you want to come out of stress ,increase your emotional vocabulary

How do you increase your emotional vocabulary ?
