Miss Sujatha at our valedicatory function said "The saying goes-----A freind in need is friend indeed, "I would say "A spronsored -friend in need is a fried indeed" The best investment a friend can give to another friend is to sponosor a Pre-marriage Education Training(PMET) course to his friend. I thank my friend venu who sponsored me for this programe.
Studies conducted at our clinic shows that not only, pre marriage education help the couples to understand each other much better,.but also helps in udersatding the entire family and entire colleugues in the office .A new world of understanding opens up, the whole world is a labroatary of understanding human realtions. Saritha of Calcutta says "This pre martial aware ness programe that I attended online has not only helped me to understand me. i have picked up clues to read the other person like a book, first home-work was nice where i worked on my Jijajai, and next on my uncle and aunt.They call me a miracle psychologist thanks to Dr sunderams commitment to help couples". i wish every couple should attend this programe without fail.
PMET -1(Course is of 8 hour duration. This is based on NLP school of Philososphy)
1) Inroduction to Pre-marriage Counselling/Research findings 2) Realtionship inventory analysis 3)Demonstration of Commuciation styles 4)Demonstration of Conflict styles 5) Rapport building phases 6)Emotional freedom Zones 7)How to Read the person like a book 8) Case studies of marrige conflict resolution 9) Guru kula method of interface10)Discussion and demonstration on"Secrets of marriage success" ++++ Bonus
Labraotary method of training requires a minmum of three ,Pre- married or Just marrried couples (The PMET is carried out 1 st week of every month in a major city of India ) On line course is avilable throughout the week.
Marriage Counseling help to fix any indifference's between the couples thereby helping a relationship to work.